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Prime: A New Twist #1
July, 1998

"Primal Beginnings"

Written by James Pedrick
Based on plot for Ultraverse Premiere Vol. 1 #0
Edited by Michael Shirley
Created by Gerald Jones and Len Strazewski

Property of Malibu Comics

    "Mom? Dad? Where are you? Where am I?" Young, 13-year old, Kevin Green is lost. Where is he? Is he in Hell? "I have to get out of here? I don't know where I am. I can't see!"
    Kevin Green is lost his body naked, as he staggers through the dark, wet and empty terrain. From the ground bolts green fluids, as the smell of death roams the air. He looks for his mother, for his father, but none of them can be found. All he can see is eyes, faces of creatures. All he can hear is the sound from each one moving closer, chanting, "PRIME! PRIME! PRIME!" The noises get louder, "PRIME! PRIME! PRIME! PRIME!" And louder, "PRIME! PRIME! PRIME! PRIME! PRIME!"
    The sound becomes unbearable. It makes Kevin want to explode. "Stop it! Stop it! Get away!" Never before had Kevin felt so confused. One minute he lays in his own bed, dozing off into sleep. Now, he is searching, searching for a way out, away from the noises. "I don't know where I am!" As he searches, his mind becomes more and more confused, until...
    "I don't know where I am! Oh God, I don't know WHO I am!"
    A voice shouts, "A boy!"
    Another, "A man!"
    Still others shout, "A hero!"
    And, "A monster!"
    "Stop it! Stop it! I can't breathe! What's happening!" His blood starts rushing faster through his body and a sharp pain hits his chest, a pain unlike anything Kevin has ever experienced. He grabs his chest, but the pain won't go. It stays, waiting to be released. "What is happening to me? I have to get out of here!" But there is no way out. He's trapped in what will be an eternal struggle to last the rest of his life. Can this be a dream? No, it's something more. It's a beginning.
    Out of the shadows comes a man! "Dad?" No, not your dad. This man is larger, stronger. Has he come to save him? Is he a hero? No, he's a monster.
    "Who are you?!? Have you come for me?"
    "Yes, Kevin...I've come for you." The massive figure comes closer, as the shadow begins to take form. Kevin can now see the figure's face, its fangs, and its enormous tongue. And its eyes, he looks into its eyes, and he finds nothing. He finds emptiness, as if it's waiting, waiting to be filled. "I've come for you. I've come to BE YOU!" If this is Hell, he is Satan.
    "No! No! I'm not a monster!"
    "Oh yes you are." It comes closer and closer.
    "No! Stay away! Don't swallow me! DON'T SWALLOW ME!" But it's too late for young Kevin Green. The two become one, and Kevin Green will never be the same.

    He woke up. "A dream, it was all a dream." Kevin climbed out of bed, his body dripping sweat. "But it was so real," he grabbed his chest, "and my chest, it still hurts. Just like in my dream, it still hurts." Kevin Green doesn't know what to make of it all. Everyone always thought he was strange, a little different but this is too much. What has he become? What is he becoming? He's afraid. Afraid of himself, of his own existence and he doesn't know why.
    He was just an ordinary boy, slim, regular height and brown hair. He lived in Canoga Park, California. He had a typical family, normal parents, not perfect, but whose are? He went to JFK High School. He was no popular jock or some brilliant scholar. Nope, he was just an average kid. But all that was about to change.
    He got dressed. It was time for school, and today is his big day.
    "Bye mom!" he shouted, as he began to walk out the front door."
    "Wait! You haven't eaten your breakfast!"
    "Sorry, mom, I'm not hungry!" He didn't want to tell her why. He didn't want to tell her about his chest pains, his dreams. Plus, he had to get to school today, today was a very special day.
    "But you have to eat!" That's his mom, she would always worry. She was the typical mother. She tried to balance a career as a house realtor, her duties as a mom, and her job at keeping the home in order. She was the glue that bound the family together.
    "I-I'll eat at school, but I have to go!" Mr. Green on the other hand was different, he wasn't quite as good at keeping everything balanced together. He wasn't always home, too busy being a scientist, with not enough time to be a dad. Still, Kevin loved his father, but he noticed something. His father always had a fear, he didn't know what it was, but he could always sense it.
    Kevin quickly ran out the door and jumped on his bike. It's time to ride to Scott's house. Scott was Kevin's best friend...his only friend, actually. It's not like they had a whole lot in common, they didn't. Kevin was a baseball fan, Scott was in to basketball. Kevin liked jazz, Scott was into rap. But neither ever had many friends, which is enough to become best buds when you're in Jr. High.
    Scott never fit in. Although he was great at basketball, he was shy, and didn't talk much, unless you got to know him. He was tall and strong, probably why he is so good at playing basketball. He has dark skin with slick black hair. He lived on a street infested with drugs and crime. It had been ever since a crack house moved in across the street. Scott didn't have real great parents either, they never really got along, when they were home. It seems everyone on the street was into drugs, including Scott's parents.
    "Hurry up Scott, it's time for school!" Kevin shouted from Scott's front lawn.
    Scott hurried out of the house, "Alright, alright. I'm coming," he replied just as he finished putting on his backpack, and running for his bike. "Why are you in such a rush to get to SCHOOL anyway?"
    "Well, you know, today I'm going to do it!"
    "Do what?"
    "I'm going to tell Kelly."
    "You're joking, right? I mean, babes like her don't hang out with dorks like us."
    "I think you're wrong. Kelly is different." And with that Kevin went racing ahead. The two didn't talk the rest of the way.
    Once Kevin arrived at school, he was too nervous to confront her, and his chest was still in pain, which definitely didn't help. He kept trying to think of how he could confront Kelly. He tried to find it in him to tell her before homeroom, but never did get it in him. English class came and gone. Then History class. Still, Kevin tried to think of a way. He had to confront her today, if he didn't today he never would. It took him months just to get him to this point. As Mrs. Randall talked about the Industrial Revolution, Kevin was thinking about Kelly, the way her face lit up, the way her long brown hair shined, and the way her smile touched his heart. But the more he thought her, the more his chest began to hurt. Why did this have to happen today? Soon, history was over, science had passed, and math was done with. Maybe it was best to just wait until another day tomorrow. 'No,' he thought, 'I've waited long enough.' He decided it was now or never.
    Now, it was lunchtime. If Kevin were ever going to tell her, it would have to be now. He sat in the cafeteria, two tables away from her and her friends, but he felt like he was right beside her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He just continued to stare, thinking, over and over in his head he would do it. Thinking how he would...
    "Hey are you going to eat your fries?"
    "Oh,, you can have 'em. I'm not really hungry."
    "Oh...hmm...too bad." Scott quickly grabbed Kevin's plate, as Kevin rose from his seat. "Hey, where you goin'?"
    "I'm going to do it, Scott."
    "Oh no, I keep tryin' to tell you, you're not her type."
    This was it, now or never. Kevin slowly stepped towards her.
    "Um...Kelly?" Kevin said, as he approached the "cool" table, "Can I talk to you?"
    "Oh, no here's the geek," blurted Todd, the quarterback of the football team.
    But Kelly was always nice, she was never too cool for a friend, "sure, Kevin, what's wrong?"
    "Well, I was hopin', I could talk to you alo-" all of a sudden Kevin's chest pains get even worse.
    "Are you okay, Kevin?"
    "Yeah, Kelly, I'm fi-" Kevin was not feeling well. He covered his mouth and ran out of the cafeteria and into the restroom.
    And, like always, the jocks were not very supportive. "Ha! The nerd is going to hurl!"
    "Hey, I'm telling ya, that's what happens when you eat the meat here!"
    Kevin ran down the hall and into the restroom, where he quickly deposed of the little he had eaten of lunch. "What an idiot I am! They're all going to all think I'm a freak!" It didn't matter though. Kevin was more determined than ever. He got out of the restroom just in time for lunch to end. Everyone was heading towards their next classes.
    Kelly and her best friend, Courtney, were walking towards the girls locker room, their next class was gym class. This was it. As soon as Kevin got Kelly alone, he would tell her how he felt about her.
    They walked in to the locker room, "So Kelly, are you going to try out for basketball?"
    "No, I don't think so. Coach Meyers is too freaky."
    "I know what you mean."
    Kevin knew exactly what they meant too. Coach Meyers was mean to his students, unless you were one of his elite athletes. And he always stared at the girls. They hated it. They always felt uncomfortable around him. In fact, Kevin heard that Coach Meyers was fired from his last school for touching some of the girls.
    Suddenly, Kelly came out of the locker room. 'There she is,' he thought. Now was his big chance. He was going to do it. Just as he was about to go talk to her, Coach Meyers came out of the boys' locker room. 'No reason to embarrass myself in front of Coach Meyers. I'll just wait for him to go by.'
    But as he looked back around the corner, he saw him TOUCHING Kelly, touching her! 'How could he? The way he touched her! Boy, if I wasn't a kid, I'd...' But that wasn't it. Kevin saw the way Kelly's face looked as he did what he did. She was frightened. And she felt ashamed.
    'That pervert, one of these days, I'll show him, I'll-' And then it happens again. The anger that arose in Kevin, made his chest hurt even worse.
    'What's happening.' His chest was now aching more than ever. 'I can't seem to concentrate. My head is spinning. I feel like I'm going to explode, like...that dream!' Kevin grabbed his chest and fell to the floor.
    The room was spinning, suddenly he started hearing voices, just like in his dream, chanting, chanting the same word, "PRIME! PRIME! PRIME! PRIME! PRIME!" The chanting got louder. What was he going to do?
    "AAGH! The pain! The voices! Make it all stop!" shouted Kevin as his chest exploded, spewing forth a green, slimy goo, just like the stuff that came out of the ground in his dream. The fluids expanded, moving across his entire body, until it covered his entire body and he could not even breathe. Then the fluids began to take shape and harden across his body. Until, finally, it began to form into a body, a body of enormous proportions.
    It was over. He looked down at his new body. He was huge! He must have been over 7'6", weighing close to 400 pounds! Each part of his body was huge! And inside this mass body, was a young boy, Kevin Green. How did this happen? What had he become? A superhero? He looked down to see his body covered with a costume of old armor and red cape, and a big "P" on his chest. He looked like something out of a comic book! Something like the cartoon Maxi-Man or the actor/ultra Hardcase! Kevin WAS a superhero!
    "Oh my God! This is too much! I gotta get out of here!" Kevin tried to jump forward, toward the doors, but he was too strong. He couldn't control himself. He was going to smash right into the doors but managed to push them open as he flew out! But he didn't land, he kept on going...upward.
    "My God, I can fly! I CAN FLY!" He was flying. Suddenly, Kevin felt free. For once in his life, he felt free. "This is great! I always wanted to fly an airplane! But this is something else!" He soared amongst the clouds, like a bird or a plane. He twirled around in circles, climbed up as high as he could and then dove down towards the ground. It was the greatest experience of his life.
    But suddenly, all hell broke lose. He wasn't paying attention and crashed right through something. He wasn't sure what, so he looked back behind himself to see what he hit, "Oh my God! What have I done?!?" Panic rushed through his body. He tore the wing right off a plane, and it was falling! "This is all my fault. I have to catch it." He flew as fast as he could, until he caught up with the plane. He grabbed hold of the plane. "Yes, I caught it! I really caught it!" He was able to lift it with one hand!
    He began to think, 'I must be as strong as Hardcase, or STRONGER!' But all was not well yet. He still had another task to accomplish. He looked down below, "Oh no! -the wing!" The wing was falling and could hit a building, or worse, even a person! He could not let that happen! He grasped a firmer hold of the plane, tearing his fingers into the its bottom, and soared toward the wing. "I've gotta catch up with it!" With one hand, he caught the wing, with the plane in his other.
    He guided the plane towards the airport, with everyone cheering him on. Prime was a hero. 'What do I do? What do I say in front of all these people?' He wasn't sure what to do.
    As he landed the plane and guided it to safety, he made his first words to the public, "Uh... Thanks everybody! I have to go now, but, uh, when the news guys get here, tell them you saw... PRIME!" And with that, Prime flew off into the sky, knowing exactly where Prime's next destination was.
    "I'M AN ULTRA! I can FLY! I have ULTRASTRENGTH! Kevin Green can't punish Coach Meyers for what he did! But PRIME can! Now, he'll have to mess with a MAN his size...but BIGGER!"


Continued in Prime: A New Twist #2...

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Prime #1Prime #2Prime #3Prime #4Prime #5Prime #6Maxi-Man Special #1Prime #7Prime #8Power of Prime Special #1Prime #9Strangers #10Primevil #1
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E-mail the author: James Pedrick

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