The Cosmic Powers Fan Fiction Group is dedicated to publishing fan fiction based on Marvel Comic cosmic characters on the Internet. This includes any "cosmic" tales of any Marvel Comic character or groups of characters. The Cosmic Powers Fan Fiction Group does not have a continuity system, that is that fan fiction stories do not continue into other fan fiction stories and take place in the same continuity, though some stories may be continued after each other. Because of this, there is no limit what can happen in each cosmic saga and no limit to the amount of writers who can write on each character. The Cosmic Powers Fan Fiction Group is a branch of the Silver Surfer Website, though that does not mean every fan fiction story does or needs to feature the character. To read some of the past fan fiction put out by the Cosmic Powers Fan Fiction Group and Silver Surfer Website, go to out Archives Section. For the latest fan fiction, see our front page. And if you are interested in writing, editing, or illustrating cosmic fan fiction, or you have a web site you would like to have listed in our links section, fill out our form at Submitting Fan Fiction.
- James Pedrick
Editor In Chief
This webpage was designed by James Pedrick. For more information on this website, e-mail This site is in no way related to or associated with Marvel Comics. Characters are property of Marvel Comics and used without permission. Contact Marvel Comics at