Louise Simonson Talks About New Maxi!
written by James Pedrick a.k.a. Marvelite
Added October 18th, 1998

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Louise Simonson recently gave new details about her maxi-series called Silver Surfer/Galactus.  In a letter to this site, she said the new twelve issue series written by her and painted by Jon J. Muth won't begin until March of 1999 with a double-sized first issue.  She says the series will start that late in the year, because "Marvel wants to have several issues in the drawer before putting it on the stands, thus the delay in launching the project."

She went on to give new details as to what the series will be about, saying: "The series will be called (as of now) Silver Surfer/Galactus and will be on a vast scale (with Galactus involved, how could the scale be anything but vast?) It will (among other things) explore the relationship between the Silver Surfer and Galactus and answer the question... why was the Surfer created? What did Galactus need a herald for anyway? And why is the existence of Galactus vital to the survival of ... everything?"

She also said a new herald has been designed for Galactus and that the first issue has been written, as every Silver Surfer fan is anxious to learn more about the project.  Especially after the image (seen to your left) that appeared in the last issue of the Silver Surfer's regular series.  The picture shows an image of the Silver Surfer and Galactus (as expected for a Silver Surfer/Galactus maxi-series) but other characters such as the Fantastic Four, Avengers, and most shocking, Mantis, appear in the picture.  And Alicia Masters, for one reason or another, does not appear in the graphic.  What will this series hold for the Silver Surfer, Galactus, and the entire Marvel Universe?  And how "vast" will it be?  We'll keep you updated as we hear more from now until March '99.

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