Your Guide to Breaking Free from

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Bruce M. Hyman, Ph.D.

and Cherry Pedrick, R.N.

The OCD Workbook was released in October of 1999 by New Harbinger Publications. We’d like to tell you more about this exciting new book.  Below is an overview of The OCD Workbook.  For more information on The OCD Workbook please click on one of the following links.

An Overview of the Book
The Table of Contents
List of Endorsements

Overview of The OCD Workbook

If you find yourself tormented by recurrent, intrusive thoughts and/or compelled to perform senseless, repetitive rituals, you may be one of the millions who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It may involve needlessly checking over and over that you turned off the iron and stove before leaving the house, or showering and washing your hands for hours each day because of an irrational fear of "germs." OCD is distressing, uncomfortable, even disabling. It can disrupt your life and destroy your most important relationships.

The good news is OCD is highly treatable using cognitive-behavioral techniques. The OCD Workbook offers expert guidance and an intensive, self-directed program to help you overcome crippling obsessions and compulsions. Using real-life stories of other OCD sufferers, this step-by-step guide provides you with the tools and inspiration to free yourself from the distress of OCD and regain control over your life. In The OCD Workbook you will learn:

Bruce M. Hyman, Ph.D., is in private practice in Hollywood, Florida and director of the OCD Resource Center of South Florida, specializing in the treatment of adult and children with OCD.  Visit Dr. Hyman's website at

E-mail him at

Cherry Pedrick is a registered nurse and freelance writer in North Las Vegas, Nevada. In 1994 she was diagnosed with OCD, which began an intensive search for knowledge, effective treatment, and management of compulsive behaviors. She is also coauthor of The OCD Workbook: Your Guide to Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, The Habit Change Workbook: How to Break Bad Habits and Form New Ones, and The BDD Workbook: Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder and End Body Image Obsessionsand Helping Your Child with OCD, A Workbook for Parents of Children with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, published by New Harbinger Publications, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, published by Millbrook Press. Visit her website at

E-mail her at

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